
Layout na drewnianym sercu - warsztaty
Layout on wooden heart class

Już w najbliższy weekend spotkamy się we Wrocławiu na Dolnośląskich Warsztatach Craftowych. Mam jeszcze miejsca na warsztat
 o godz. 15.30. a oto co będziemy tworzyć:)  Layout na drewnianym,dużym bo 40x40 cm sercu,  jeśli ktoś ma ochotę dołączyć, to zapraszam:)

This is my sample project for this weekend's class in Wroclaw:) 
Layout on a big, 40x40cm, wooden heart. 



Art journal page - wpis do art journala

Jednym z moich postanowień noworocznych jest tworzenie więcej w moich journalach. MOje scrapy już przestają sie mieścić, więc spróbuję powyżywać się mediowo na mniejszej powierzchni;)
Dziś taki sobie wpis:) Media oczywiście od 13 arts:)

One of my New Years's resolutions is to create more pages in my art journals;) I do not have much space left for my layouts so I will try to use less space for my mixed media experiments:) 
Today I want  to show you just a simple art journal spread with 13 arts mediums:)



Art journal background simple techniques with 13 arts
Proste tła do Art journala kurs video

Witacie kochani, po ponad dwóch tygodniach przerwy w tworzeniu, ciężko mi było usiąść do biurka. Pomyślałam więc o rozruszaniu palców przy pomocy farb oraz innych mediów i postanowiłam stworzyć kilka wpisów do mojego nieco zaniedbanego ostatnio art journala. Przy tych szarościach za oknem, wprowadzenie żywych kolorów od razu poprawia humor i od razu wraca wena i chęć tworzenia. Zapraszam na kurs video w polskiej wersji językowej. 

Hello my dear 13 arts friends! I have not created anything for over 2 weeks as it was busy Christmas time. So it was quite hard for me to find my mojo back and create. That is why I've decided to liven my fingers up and create colorful art journal pages to my art journal. When it's so dark and grey outside color therapy is the best way to get your mojo back and create. I hope you will enjoy my video tutorial about creating simple colorful backgrounds.

To okładka mojego art journala stworzona podczas jednych z moich warsztatów.
This is my art journal cover created during one of my classes.

A to kilka gotowych wpisów:



13 arts store products list:
Lista materiałów:



January Flying Unicorn KIT reveal
full of 13 arts products


The January kit from the Flying Unicorn has a fresh pop of color to usher in the new year. Start your year on a fun and festive note. Without further adieu, we offer you our January "Your Passion. Your Art" kit of the month.

January is a month to start a'fresh. This month, we have the perfect "Off the Page" piece to help keep everything around you fresh as well. Included in every main kit is this handy coaster set.


From the beginner to the avid mixed media artist our Mixed Art add on kit will surely please you. Our Mixed Art kit will always come with a canvas and mixed media art supplies to advance your skills as an artist.

Flowers, vines,and embellishments oh my! Our Mixed Passion is a collection of everything pretty to add to the Main kit or the add on kits. The colors and embellishments will enhance your Kit of the Month creations or it can stand alone and you can create something magical on its own! So turn up the music, make some tea and lock your self away while you create some art!


Our Small Art Big Passion is all about the love of making cards, tags atc's and anything in between. From Stamps, flowers, paper, embellishments and pretty things in between! These yummy goodies will enhance any of the kits or stand alone .

We are thrilled to present great free tutorials, techniques, videos and Build a Page using our Kit of the Month to help you grow in the passion of your art. So stay tuned there is so much more to come in the next week!

Plan a day trip! Crops -Classes-Fun

926 North Monroe St
Tallahassee, Florida
Tel: 850.270.6366 Toll Free 800.231.7119

Jennifer Snyder


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